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The ever popular "Larger than Life"

The Step Sisters...

Anna Mae & Darlene

"Five Foot Two"

Music of American Legends - 2015

Music of American Legends - 2015

The Step Family

Darlene, Leo, Anna Mae, Clyde

Kathy, Diane, Kathy, Bob, Sharon, Terry

"All Shook Up"

Music of American Legends - 2015

The Step Family

Kathy, Leo, Sharon, Terry, Darlene
Clyde, Anna Mae, Bob, Kathy

"I've Got The Old Time Religion in my Heart"

Music of American Legends - 2015

The Step Family


Leo, Terry, Kathy, Clyde,Bob


Diane, Sharon, Kathy, Darlene, Anna Mae

"White Lightnin"

Clogging Fun at Monthly Cabaret

The Step Family... Far left to right  

Bob, Elma, Sharon, Clyde, Darlene, Anna Mae, Leo

"San Antonio Stroll"

Clogging Fun at Monthly Cabaret

The Step Family... Far left to right  

Bob, Elma, Clyde, Darlene, Leo, Anna Mae

"Ghost Town"

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